martedì 16 dicembre 2014

Poor Putin. Among Ruble, oil, and international sanctions, it sinks with all his barge


It is something that gave us much satisfaction, this that Russia is sailing in troubled waters about the economy. Since the beginning of the year, the currency has lost 50% in value against the US dollar. Inflation is on the rise and in 2015 the country risks a collapse in GDP of 4.5%. The impotence of the Russian Central Bank also has an impact on the credibility of the president. This is due to international sanctions. Mr. Putin finally understand who is the strongest. the strength of the United States, and the West is in this whole. Above  the link ofABC News, which examines the Russian  negative period

Grave mancanza di rispetto del papa, verso il dalai lama.... Serious lack of respect by Pope, to the dalai lama

 unfortunately this time the Holy Father has grossly wrong. only to avoid irritating the Chinese government he's take decision don't meet the Dalai Lama. it seemed like a great lack of respect, against all the people of Tibet

Mi sa che stavolta Papa francesco ha sbagliato di grosso a non incontrare il Dalai Lama solo per non irritare il governo cinese. questa è una gravissima mancanza di rispetto verso un leader spirituale e verso il suo popolo. il tibet.