Today i want to talk about the last Friday when we have watch the film about Richard nixon is happen something of very funny in the cinema during the movie hehehehe we was on the half time and we have kidding between us but I admit the main responsible was Luca Hehehehe all the time to annoyng the others with papers balls touch the hears…say bullshit…one couple of fiancé seat in front us has start to scream…shut up…that we haven’t any tendency to respect hahaha…so I put down my head behind the seats and that guys argue with Giovanni…that was completely stranger…what idiot uauauaua…anyway….when everything gonna be allright I’m stand up from the floor and I have laugh for that idiot of Giovanni for three hours when we have been outside from the cinema I made the torture to Giovanni for the bad impression hahahaha…I never forget that scene…we are a band of crazy friends..we are a band of crazy….
lunedì 9 febbraio 2009
nancy pelosi
the speaker of the house of representatives Nancy Pelosi…our countrywoman this days coming to Italy…sure she bring the message from president Obama that has spoke with Italian government has ask to increase the work in Afghanistan and middle east…we are sure of our duties mrs Pelosi don’t worry…but hope also in your country…can to change something…for first stop with this insurance for the health services the treatment has to be free for everybody…anybody can to cash money on the skin of the others in this case of the American people…so a law for restrict the use of the guns. help the young boys and girls to enrol to the college without require thousands of dollars for to frequent the lessons….anyway mr president in Italy we are sure that you can to do great things…for your country and together us
richard nixon
About Richard Nixon what I can to say I can to understand that he has committed many mistakes about the Watergate…but we have the duty to don’t forget that he has lunch better relationship with china and soviet union, put the end on the war in Vietnam.. maybe has allow the increasing the raids in Cambodia the main fault of the war in Vietnam has been (Is sad for me say this because I admire Kennedy…the Vietnam has been his…only mistake) of the 2 presidents Kennedy, and Johnson…yesterday I have watch the film about Nixon and frost…and I haven’t change idea about that president…for me the American people has been severe with Nixon he has not deserve this treatment…people that has say in the past:I am shame to be American for the faults of Richard Nixon…for me is no guilty….yeah maybe he has cheat…but please…there are other president worst than him…for this I invite you American friends to see again the person of the president Richard Nixon
the negationist?goats

About the guys that refusing the existence of the holocaust I can only to have the indignation that one normal person can to have…I talking about some members of the church, the Iranian dictator, the British writer Irving Dave McCalden, roger garaudy and many others…say that the holocaust is a legend mean…to take the licence of memory murderous…how can to say this guy that THE GAS ROOMS was using for the louses? all this for me is suck...when I read about this guys…I have feel like doing something as kick their ass…what shame I say what shame…without exclude the Iranian tyrant one that deserve the noose on the neck check this pics friends for you those are pretence? my suggestion is don’t follow this fanatical….murderous of the memory..
this pics is take from a mickey mouse cartoon
Carla Bruni

Chers amis aujourd’hui je veux parler de la votre premier dame Carla Bruni Sarkozy pendant le dernier mois elle a parle tres mal de l’italie que est surtout son pays à propos de son sortie sur notre premier minister Silvio Berlusconi quand il a parle avec plaisanterie de le president des etats unis d’amerique Barack Obama…elle a dit j’ai honte d’etre italienne…je suis tres heurex d’etre devenu’ francaises qu’est-ce que c’est? Ce sortie de ce crétin prostitué…mais pendant ce temps elle est venu’ dans les programme de la notre télévision…par dire..le contraire de tout…non non je suis tres désolé…j’ai la double citoyenneté italienne et francaises…si je peux dir la mienne opinion, a mon avis elle est une grand menteur…je suis sur que la responsabilite de l’asile a la terroriste rouge Marina Petrella est de la premier dame Carla Bruni Sarkozy…la meme chose concerner Cesare Battisti un autre terroriste rouge rifugie en bresil et recherché de la justice italienne pour meurtre politiques…il’s sont membre de les Brigate rosse beaucoup de terroristes rouges sont fuggitive en france…je suis tres desole pourquoi j’aime la france est un tre, tres beau pays le votre..mais souvent j’ai désapprouver la politique de votre gouvernement..que a donne aide to personnes comme Kameney, Arafat, Cesare Battisti, Marina Petrella et beaucoup autres terroristes rouge..enfin chers amis…vive la france
Votre ami Luca
Votre ami Luca
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