however, no one has ever paid for what happened to that poor people died traveling atlantic seeking a better life, when the Titanic sank 'into the icy waters of north america. no one has done even one day in jail, but what justice was that? when you remind this you can only cry and getting angry...
tragedia della concordia affondato riporta alla mente il titanic, io
dico come mai quando il titanic affondo' nessuno, e dico nessuno ha mai
fatto un giorno di galera, per quella tragedia, tanta povera gente, chje
attraversava l'oceano per una vita migliore, ha trovato la morte nelle
fredde acqua del nord america, io ogni volta che ci ho pensato, mi è
venuto un senso di rabbia incontrollabile
(CNN) – Here’s your chance to literally shape the debate in the race for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.
Use the form below to submit your brief question to the Southern Republican Presidential Debate. Or tweet your questions to #CNNDebate.
- Follow the Ticker on Twitter: @PoliticalTicker The debate will be held Thursday, January 19, 2012, in Charleston, South Carolina from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET. Keep your questions short and sweet. Aim for 25 words or less, about
two concise sentences. We may ask the candidates your question during
Message Sent
Your Real Name: luca Your Email: Question/Comment:
Mr romney, what do you think about health care reform, and for second
tell me your orientation in foreign policy Your City, State: rome italy
masiliso kubama am kubama from question is,war in afganstan&iraq was
started on the pretex of weapon of mass destruction,recesion was
created by bush,it took obama 2yrs to kill osama&
republicans concede they failed in there strategy to capture osama
binladen,and that they fail to accept that obama is too smart for them
as a blackman?
January 13, 2012 03:58 pm at 3:58 pm |
Truth and Nothing But the Truth Seriously, is there anything left to ask??? Hasn't it already all
been asked and answered, multiple times?? I think the media just wants
to create more division within the Republican ranks with these endless
debates. All while Obama sits back, raises a billion dollars, watches,
learns and waits. If I were all of these candidates, I would turn down
every debate offer moving forward.
January 13, 2012 03:59 pm at 3:59 pm |
GOPher Bill Clinton balanced the budget. George Bush re-started the buge
budget deficits. Obama inherited those deficits. Why do the current GOP
candidates not mention that it was a Republican president who re-started
the massive deficits ? Obama is not exactly a good president either,
but the GOP should at least remember how the current cycle of deficits
got re-started.
January 13, 2012 04:27 pm at 4:27 pm |
diridi why didn't they capture Bin Laden when they were in power. Why
not raise tax on wealthy to fill the debt, and why not stop wars that
GOP idiots went.
January 13, 2012 04:32 pm at 4:32 pm |
Lost in Texas FOREVER I would like to touch on a point the GOP has tended to
ignore....POVERTY in America and what do they intend to do about it.
Right now it's higher than ever before almost 1 out 2 live in poverty.
I'm sure they don't want to touch on income disparity since Romney
already said that was only due to envy, but the other candidates may
want to discuss it.
January 13, 2012 04:33 pm at 4:33 pm |
The Greedy Old Pigs have declared class war on US! "Seriously, is there anything left to ask??? Hasn't it already all been asked and answered, multiple times??" You haven't paid much attention then. Let me help you out with some important questions that haven't been asked or answered: Question #1: Do you support the two thirds of America, including
roughly half of your own party, who favor a millionaire's surtax and an
end to the bush tax cuts on the top percentages? If not, why not? Question #2: Do you admit that history has proven tax cuts for the wealthy does not create jobs? Question #3: What sacrifices do you think the wealthy should be sharing along with the rest of America? Question #4: If the majority of Americans do not favor war with Iran, will you follow the wishes of the public?
January 13, 2012 04:37 pm at 4:37 pm |
JLFuller To all candidates Have you ever knowingly accused another candidate of something he has repeatedly denied? If so, why?
January 13, 2012 04:38 pm at 4:38 pm |
JLFuller Rather than accuse Bain Caapital for pillaging the businesses in
Newt's ad, would it not have been better to ask why the unions did not
seek to save those jobs by buying these defunct businesses themselves
with union pension funds and hirng their own sympathetic managers?
January 13, 2012 04:41 pm at 4:41 pm |
ART How many candidates will be debating? The five that are left or will their be a sixth i.e. the two faces of Romney
January 13, 2012 04:43 pm at 4:43 pm |
Spencer Speaker Gingrich, you've been running ads in South Carolina
attacking Governor Romney for "looting companies". Do you stand by
those serious accusations and if so, can you explain to the people of SC
why Capitalism is failed?
January 13, 2012 04:59 pm at 4:59 pm |
Lee Halyard To Gov. Romney and Huntsman. 'The book of Ephi in the book of
Mormon teaches: Mormons are to strive to become Gods. Would getting
elected as the President of the US help you accomplish this?
January 13, 2012 05:01 pm at 5:01 pm |
normajean @ verizon ,com I'd like to ask each and every one of them if they can look in the
mirror and truly admire the character and honor of the face they are
seeing., if this is a person of honesty and caring that can be trusted
to care about millions of people in need as opposed to the almighty
dollar??.....{ Not bloody likely, if they're honest....which they are
latest news from CNN's political team with campaign coverage 24-7. For
complete political coverage, bookmark as
well as
but you want to know, how I learned English so easily, I must only thanks the BBC,' cause every days, every evenings, every nights, I watched Hardtalk, BBC News, BBC World News America, BBC Click, the doah debate, and many other programs rarely watched Italian TV, to inform me, whats going on abroad ... so THANK YOU
Il prossimo 17 febbraio saranno passati vent'anni da quando, con
l'arresto di Mario Chiesa chiesto da me e controfirmato dal gip Italo
Ghitti, partì a Milano l'inchiesta “Mani pulite”. Mario Chiesa,
presidente del Pio Albergo Trivulzio, lo sorprendemmo mentre intascava
una mazzetta di 7 milioni di vecchie lire. Non era un “mariuolo isolato”
come provò a raccontare Bettino Craxi,
ma la rotellina di un ingranaggio con cui i politici e gli
amministratori pubblici succhiavano da anni il sangue al nostro Paese.
In questi vent'anni molti grandi imbonitori della politica e della
stampa hanno cercato in tutti i modi di rovesciare la frittata e di far
passare quei furfanti per vittime, e quelli che li avevano acciuffati
per mostri e cospiratori. Io non credo che il gioco sia loro
riuscito. I politici fanno finta di non sapere chi erano gli onesti e
chi i disonesti. I cittadini invece se lo ricordano benissimo e sanno
che quella di Mani pulite è stata la più grande occasione persa dal
nostro Paese, che poteva già allora liberarsi dal cancro della
corruzione e per colpa della politica non ci è riuscita. Le cose
sono cambiate solo in peggio: quello che allora era un tumore maligno ma
circoscritto, limitato alla politica e agli affari, è diventato una
metastasi diffusa in tutti i settori della società italiana, che sta
morendo per colpa della corruzione e della conseguente sfiducia che é
dilagata tra i cittadini onesti. Il prossimo 17 febbraio a Milano
l'Italia dei Valori organizzerà una grande iniziativa insieme a
giornalisti, magistrati, esponenti della società civile per ricordare
l'inizio di Mani pulite e ribadire una verità storica che troppo spesso
viene negata dagli ipocriti: la colpa di quel che é avvenuto non é dei
magistrati che hanno scoperto i reati, ma dei criminali che li hanno
commessi! Non lo faremo per celebrare il passato ma perché l'Italia
ha bisogno di ritrovare nuova energia per cambiare strada e liberarsi
dalla malattia della corruzione che la sta distruggendo.
am kubama from question is,war in afganstan&iraq was started on the pretex of weapon of mass destruction,recesion was created by bush,it took obama 2yrs to kill osama& republicans concede they failed in there strategy to capture osama binladen,and that they fail to accept that obama is too smart for them as a blackman?
Seriously, is there anything left to ask??? Hasn't it already all been asked and answered, multiple times?? I think the media just wants to create more division within the Republican ranks with these endless debates. All while Obama sits back, raises a billion dollars, watches, learns and waits. If I were all of these candidates, I would turn down every debate offer moving forward.
Bill Clinton balanced the budget. George Bush re-started the buge budget deficits. Obama inherited those deficits. Why do the current GOP candidates not mention that it was a Republican president who re-started the massive deficits ? Obama is not exactly a good president either, but the GOP should at least remember how the current cycle of deficits got re-started.
why didn't they capture Bin Laden when they were in power. Why not raise tax on wealthy to fill the debt, and why not stop wars that GOP idiots went.
I would like to touch on a point the GOP has tended to ignore....POVERTY in America and what do they intend to do about it. Right now it's higher than ever before almost 1 out 2 live in poverty. I'm sure they don't want to touch on income disparity since Romney already said that was only due to envy, but the other candidates may want to discuss it.
"Seriously, is there anything left to ask??? Hasn't it already all been asked and answered, multiple times??"
You haven't paid much attention then. Let me help you out with some important questions that haven't been asked or answered:
Question #1: Do you support the two thirds of America, including roughly half of your own party, who favor a millionaire's surtax and an end to the bush tax cuts on the top percentages? If not, why not?
Question #2: Do you admit that history has proven tax cuts for the wealthy does not create jobs?
Question #3: What sacrifices do you think the wealthy should be sharing along with the rest of America?
Question #4: If the majority of Americans do not favor war with Iran, will you follow the wishes of the public?
To all candidates
Have you ever knowingly accused another candidate of something he has repeatedly denied? If so, why?
Rather than accuse Bain Caapital for pillaging the businesses in Newt's ad, would it not have been better to ask why the unions did not seek to save those jobs by buying these defunct businesses themselves with union pension funds and hirng their own sympathetic managers?
How many candidates will be debating? The five that are left or will their be a sixth i.e. the two faces of Romney
Speaker Gingrich, you've been running ads in South Carolina attacking Governor Romney for "looting companies". Do you stand by those serious accusations and if so, can you explain to the people of SC why Capitalism is failed?
To Gov. Romney and Huntsman. 'The book of Ephi in the book of Mormon teaches: Mormons are to strive to become Gods. Would getting elected as the President of the US help you accomplish this?
I'd like to ask each and every one of them if they can look in the mirror and truly admire the character and honor of the face they are seeing., if this is a person of honesty and caring that can be trusted to care about millions of people in need as opposed to the almighty dollar??.....{ Not bloody likely, if they're honest....which they are NOT}!!!!!