your friend wish everyone goodnight in fb but stay here in blogspot...some night ago, got a few of problems for a bad virus in my computer but i have fixed all with my hands...i'm smart...kidding well before to go to bed leave you my favorite tv american series melrose place...for give you the chance to live the magic nights of california a dream land hope to go there soon :) goodnight friends
questa notizia rivoluzionerà il mondo della paleontologia e anche della secchioontologia...gli scienziati hanno scoperto che oltre all'omo sapiens, c'era pure l'omo ciotiens ecco da dove deriva la ciotiaaaaaa' e' fantastica questa notizia domani sara' nei giornali scientifici di mezzo mondo....
We preparethe"body" Mixflourwith remaining ingredientsin orderto obtain a pasteratherhard.Form aball,wrapinplastic wrap andallow to restfor aboutan hour. Roll outthe doughintothin sheetand cut intodisksof10cm.indiameter,wrapingreasedbarrelsofoilandsoakin plenty ofboiling oil(2:00 to 3:00each).As soon asthepastaisanicegoldenbrownanddrainon papertowelsto coolplace.
Preparethecreamcheese Ifthericottais veryhumid,as it should be, let itdraininordertoeliminatemostofthe serum.Mixwellthe ricottawith thesugar.Let standforone hour andthensift it.Atthispoint, addthecinnamonanddark chocolate. We packthecannoli Fill inthebark withcreamandhelpingpavetheouter edgeswithaknife,placeacandied cherryonthe ends,putina trayandsprinklewithpowdered sugarandthen in refrigerator