sabato 22 gennaio 2011
Classe di ferro
L'us Catanzaro è Fallita

La Corte suprema di Cassazione prima sezione civile con provvedimento n°6901/10 ha accolto il ricorso presentato dal curatore fallimentare dell'Us Catanzaro, Fabio Santangeli, confermando la sentenza di fallimento emessa dal Tribunale di Catanzaro e ha deciso di rigettare la sentenza emessa dalla Corte d'appello. L'Us Catanzaro S.p.A. era assistita dall'avvocato Umberto Ferrari. In poche parole è stata confermata la sentenza di primo grado: l'US Catanzaro S.p.A. è fallita.
questa notizia un po' mi dispiace devo essere sincero, un augurio agli amici giallorossi di tornare presto nel calcio che conta
calenaaa bad news
the former governor of Sicily Cuffaro sentenced to seven years in prison for MAFIA

Mafia trial in Supreme Court
confirmed the sentence Cuffaro
The former governor of Sicily sentenced to seven years imprisonment for aiding and abetting aggravated Cosa Nostra. Confirmed the verdict of 23 January. is a jail sentence. The public prosecutor had requested a reduction of sentence. "This trial has reinforced in me the respect for institutions. If I could not resist in these difficult years and especially since I had so much faith and protection of god"
The judges of the Second Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court, headed by Antonio Esposito, confirmed and payable by the former governor of Sicily, Salvatore Cuffaro, the sentence to seven years 'imprisonment for aiding and abetting aggravated Cosa Nostra and in breach of the confidentiality of investigations' scope of the process "to the moles Dda." Cuffaro, who was elected to the Senate with the UDC is then passed on to Italy tomorrow folk who support the government.
The former governor of Sicily in his Roman house waiting to be brought to jail, probably Rebibbia. By law, the Court of Cassation will be forwarded to the Court of Appeal of Palermo which will give the order for imprisonment. Document will be forwarded to the Senate, which will take place.
This morning, Cuffaro was praying in the church of Santa Maria della Minerva in Rome near his home, opposite the Pantheon, pending the ruling. In Rome with his brother, Silvio, the son of James and his wife, while her daughter remained in Palermo.
Shortly after the ruling, Cuffaro has left his home in Rome with three carabinieri who led him into a Carabinieri station for notification of the award. Immediately after should be translated to Rebibbia. "I was a man of the institutions, I had a great respect for the judiciary - Cuffaro said he left his house - this test has not been and is not easy to carry but has reinforced in me the respect for institutions.
Yesterday, Attorney General John Galati, in his indictment, had asked for cuffaro a reduced sentence, especially asked to drop the aggravated aiding and abetting the Mafia. If it had been granted this request would require a new ruling by the Court of Appeal: Given the time for the offenses with which the senator would Pid taken within a few months the prescription. But the Supreme Court judges have not listened to the procurator Galati confirmed on appeal. At this point the verdict of conviction is final.
"It 'a sentence that arouses amazement and regret because, yesterday, the prosecutor of the Supreme Court, a request with many topics, had requested the annulment of aiding and abetting the Mafia for the episode in Aiello, a request that if granted would have deflated all of the sentence ". Said the lawyer Oreste Domignoni, who defended Cuffaro, along with Nino Mormino, after reading the verdict.
confirmed the sentence Cuffaro
The former governor of Sicily sentenced to seven years imprisonment for aiding and abetting aggravated Cosa Nostra. Confirmed the verdict of 23 January. is a jail sentence. The public prosecutor had requested a reduction of sentence. "This trial has reinforced in me the respect for institutions. If I could not resist in these difficult years and especially since I had so much faith and protection of god"
The judges of the Second Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court, headed by Antonio Esposito, confirmed and payable by the former governor of Sicily, Salvatore Cuffaro, the sentence to seven years 'imprisonment for aiding and abetting aggravated Cosa Nostra and in breach of the confidentiality of investigations' scope of the process "to the moles Dda." Cuffaro, who was elected to the Senate with the UDC is then passed on to Italy tomorrow folk who support the government.
The former governor of Sicily in his Roman house waiting to be brought to jail, probably Rebibbia. By law, the Court of Cassation will be forwarded to the Court of Appeal of Palermo which will give the order for imprisonment. Document will be forwarded to the Senate, which will take place.
This morning, Cuffaro was praying in the church of Santa Maria della Minerva in Rome near his home, opposite the Pantheon, pending the ruling. In Rome with his brother, Silvio, the son of James and his wife, while her daughter remained in Palermo.
Shortly after the ruling, Cuffaro has left his home in Rome with three carabinieri who led him into a Carabinieri station for notification of the award. Immediately after should be translated to Rebibbia. "I was a man of the institutions, I had a great respect for the judiciary - Cuffaro said he left his house - this test has not been and is not easy to carry but has reinforced in me the respect for institutions.
Yesterday, Attorney General John Galati, in his indictment, had asked for cuffaro a reduced sentence, especially asked to drop the aggravated aiding and abetting the Mafia. If it had been granted this request would require a new ruling by the Court of Appeal: Given the time for the offenses with which the senator would Pid taken within a few months the prescription. But the Supreme Court judges have not listened to the procurator Galati confirmed on appeal. At this point the verdict of conviction is final.
"It 'a sentence that arouses amazement and regret because, yesterday, the prosecutor of the Supreme Court, a request with many topics, had requested the annulment of aiding and abetting the Mafia for the episode in Aiello, a request that if granted would have deflated all of the sentence ". Said the lawyer Oreste Domignoni, who defended Cuffaro, along with Nino Mormino, after reading the verdict.
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anti-mafia operation in crotone

Crotone - Arrested 12 people in a vast anti-mafia operation. The alleged offenses are criminal association, weapons, extortion, intimidation and drug trafficking.
Crotone - Twelve offenders were arrested by police in Crotone, with the help of mobile Cuneo and Verona, in a broad anti-mafia operation. All belong to the clan-Vrenna-Ciampi Bonaventure. The defendants will respond in various ways, the offenses of mafia-type association, weapons, extortion, intimidation and damage in respect of contractors and family members of employees of Justice, as well as drug trafficking. According to investigators, the twelve ran most of the illegal activities in the city thrived. During the operation were also seized several kilograms of cocaine have been identified and the routes of drug trafficking between Crotone, Bologna and Reggio Calabria.
la risposta del dottor borrelli alla mia domanda sul rapporto del console americano sulla calabria

Non penso, Luca, che il rapporto del console americano sia arivato sulla scrivania di Obama. E' una comunicazione, gia' divulgata qualche settimana fa, che era indirizzata al dipartimento di Stato, cioe' al ministero degli Esteri. Una delle cose comunque che piu' meraviglia gli americani e in genere gli osservatori stranieri e' che interi pezzi del territorio nazionale siano sottratti, in Italia, al controllo di legalita' e le varie organizzazioni mafiose la facciano da padrone. Questa e' anche una delle ragioni che scoraggiano gli investitori stranieri da impegnare capitali nel nostro Paese. Ciao, ciao Giulio
dottor borrelli non e andata ad obama ma e comunque andata al dipartimento di stato la bella figura non è da meno. luca
dottor borrelli non e andata ad obama ma e comunque andata al dipartimento di stato la bella figura non è da meno. luca
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