the beauty of my roseAs i marvel at your beauty and smell the fragrance of your lovefeeling the softness of each petal as the moon shines from aboveAs the sweet nectar of your body, absorbs into my very being; the scent of your breath upon my face, Is this but just a dream?The velvet touch of your fingers traces the lines upon my face; Leaving a trail of your sweet aroma, as my heart begins to race!Your lips blossom like a flower, as you kiss away all my pain; The air is scented with your passion as it falls like pouring rain!The dew from love falls to the ground as your petals open wide; Feeling the softness of your body, I find a treasure deep inside!Your body moves with such beauty, like a rose blowing in the wind; It consumes my very heart and soul; the ecstasy never has no end!As I put my rose up to my lips, the fires of passion begins to burn; It transports me to another time where the world it slowly turned!I go deep into the soul of her tasting her sweetness from within: I store her memories inside my heart and pray that this ain't sin!Your angel breath is all around me, I reach out to pull you near; the beauty and softness of your tulips I pray never disappears!The morning dew is upon your body, from a nite cocooned in love; The sun opens the petals of her heart, lifting us up to heights above!I can't get enough of her beauty as I hold her close to my chest; We are one in mind soul and body, now I can close my eyes to rest!Her breath is like a summer breeze, it whirls around inside my head; It fans the flames inside my heart, without your love I feel so dead!Your flower opens all it petals, as the sun begins to shine; I bask in the warmth of all you love, this beautiful rose of mine!You've left a trail of fallen petals, I smell your beauty everywhere; I run to try to escape your fragrance, just to find that your also there!The dew of love is upon your lips as I savor each drop that falls; Tasting the sweetness of its nectar, at your beauty I stand in awe!I've felt the velvet touch of your body, as it ripples against my chest; It radiates the passion of your love, to me my Rose you are the best!I hold my rose close to my heart so as to savor the love we have shared; I bow my knees and close my eyes, praying to God that you will appear!