martedì 30 luglio 2013


Dear friends, I know that very often I write in Italian, and you do not understand me. politics is that I do always, however, I'll explain in a nutshell what I'm talking about. because tomorrow, or at most Thursdays, there is a sentence from supreme court, which could take out Silvio Berlusconi from italian politics. What is the meaning of my speech Bruno Vespa an italian anchorman in midsummer. He's doing a show on rai 1, as if we were in february, march ... given more importance at this thing. I can not believe ... could drop the caste piece by piece ... if this ruling will affect really … so im talking with friends of center right dear folks of the PDL i must tell them something: ... if their leader Silvio Berlusconi falls ... this is due precisely to the fact that we haven't not allow him during election campaign to became prime minister then if he will be guilty, the job we have started on december 2012 will have an happy end . so if the whole thing goes as I think, I have played as a central striker, which aims to make them goals ... is not standing the berlin wall, just to refer back to another brick in the wall, could standing the wall of silvio berlusconi? I don't think so .... so dear supporters of berlusconi dont stay angry you should loose .. do not take offense. Is the life ... I am in politics only for defeat Berlusconi. the rest is following by itself as consequence of all. I can certainly say this, because i were part of his defeating. cause Berlusconi, when he said not to waste votes before election day of february 2013, addressing the electorate. I wasted ... ps correct me i take him away not 1, but 160 votes in my area, and other voters i will have them convinced even abroad. we arrived around 200 preferences ... at least for me, I'm talking about ... then if we add up the many other small fractional votes stolen in other areas in Italy and abroad from other candidates the result was to make him lose Palazzo Chigi. and for this we can be proud of. the sentence will be the icing on the cake. so fingers crossed destiny of italy depend by sentence against enemy number 1 ... night to all