Whenthis evening,I visitedmy friendGio 'FiliceIparkedthe carat the pointwhere I haveindicatedwith theBlackArrow.in the old partof the city.my friendGio 'was playingin a clubin a building insidethat streets.and it seemedstrange that theillegalparking attendants,werevery near to the police, butcrazythings.butthese guys what hell theydoing? theygivethe percentageofmoney fromparking,to the police?that is, Ihave givento these guys,two euros.and I must say that they doagood service,looking atthe cars,but if youthink that they areunemployed, they have no work, no school, evenfor puredevotion, you gettheinstinct togive them somemoney.I hadparkedthe caratsidewaysto the directionof travel.a policemantold me thatI had change direction, then oneof these guys,illegalparking attendants, went to thepolice man andconvinced himto let mestay inthat position.is'true.Italy is theland of happiness,as he saysthis song...everyone are free of deceive the next. at least I have no take fined tonight, i have been glad to see Gio, after so many years and her family. we take a good espresso together. as Italians we love this, Foreign friends
Ialways hopeto see a futureof peace in theworld whereall children. may they can havea life full of happiness. no morewar and bombs, because only victims are poor people andinnocent children